3 - DNA acts as instructions for the cell
DNA is the Bluprint of our cells, every protein necessary for our lives is created using those instructions. every cell of every living creature contains DNA in one form or another.
Transgender is a broad category referring to anybody whose gender identity, the gender they psychologically feel like they are, doesn't match their assigned sex, the gender defined by their physical traits.
Cisgender and cissexual are the same thing. It is the opposite of transgender. While a transgender person disagrees with their assigned sex, a cisgender/cissexual person identifies as their assigned sex.
<span>Actually the correct method to handle the used needle is ie, It should be disposed in the right place after wrapping up it with a piece of paper or cover, which will surely avoid any type future unwanted problems to the new patients or any body and also it stops us from the spreading of unwanted diseases.</span>