import java.util.Scanner;
import java.lang.*;
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
int n;
//For capturing the value of n
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the value of n:");
//The entered value is stored in the var n
n = scanner.nextInt();
int k=1;
public static void printnum(int n,int k)
for(int i=k;i<=n-1;i=i+2)
for(int i=k;i<=n-1;i=i+2)
The program is self explanatory.
The parameters mentioned show how millennials have a much more marked tendency to job instability, that is, to change jobs more frequently than previous generations.
This is explained by two fundamental factors: on the one hand, the millennial generation differs from previous generations, especially because of their constant need for change and their greater emotional instability, which has a decisive influence on their constant and abrupt changes in their daily routines. , including their jobs; on the other, the deregulation of labor markets worldwide, which, on the one hand, have reduced the percentages of the unemployed population on the planet, but on the other hand, have given employers greater facilities to fire their employees, with which they they must change jobs more quickly.
Here is your answer
1. pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.
2. use environmentally household products such as washing powder, household cleaning agents
3. wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a gravel or grassed area instead of a street.
4. don't throw waste at ocean it will harm the animals and create tocsin.
Procedural programming, Object-oriented programming
Procedural programming is a type of computer programming language that specifies a series of well structured steps and procedures within its development period of time. It contains a systematic order of statements, functions and commands to complete a computational task or program. It is centered on creating procedures. While object oriented programming is a programming language that is centered on creating objects rather that actions and data rather than logic.. It has four principles which are inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction and Encapsulation
see below
The program of interest is the function "findMode[x, n]" in the attached. It is written the Wolfram Language of Mathematica.
The basic idea is that the data in the array is sorted. The sorted array is partitioned into sets of identical elements, and the number in each of those sets is counted. The maximum of those counts is the mode. The location of the maximum count corresponds to the location of the set having that count. We use that location information to pull out the mode value(s).
If there is more than one mode, all are reported.
An example data array is provided, along with the program output.