They use and perform a set of actions and programs that build on each other.
Virtual team
A virtual team is also known as a remote team, where every member of the team is working from different geographic locations. Usually, the communication channel is through voice/video conferencing or email.
Each member of the team is given unique roles and these roles are delivered optimally within the specified time frame.
For instance, Malcolm does not meet with other members of the team, yet they are working on a project (a smartphone app to track traffic patterns). Following standards that would have applied if they were working at a specific location.
Thanks to Information and Communication Technology (ICT), virtual jobs are on the increase, providing jobs to a lot of people not minding their geographic location.
In the given case the product that has the highest Dec. Cust. Survey score will be treated as most competitive at the end of last year. Based on the information provided in the "Top Products in Thrift Segment" table, we can conclude that Bell has highest score for Dec. Cust. Survey score which stands at 31.
Please see attachment for the product list we referenced to as non was given.
Update the device driver
Devices drivers are softwares used to link a component of the computer to the operating system functionality.
It normally comes with the installed operating system, but most plug and play devices , come with a little built-in OS that runs once it is plugged in.
If a device is not recognized, update the driver software and restart the system.
#include <stdio.h>
int fib(int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return 0;
if (n <= 2) {
return 1;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
int main(void) {
for(int nr=0; nr<=20; nr++)
printf("Fibonacci %d is %d\n", nr, fib(nr) );
return 0;
The code is a literal translation of the definition using a recursive function.
The recursive function is not per se a very efficient one.