The knights of labor began as a secret society of tailor in Philadelphia in 1869. The organization grew slowly during the hard years of the 1870s, but workers militancy rose toward the end of the decade, especially after the great railroad strike of 1877, and the Knights' membership rose with it. Grand Master Workman Terence V. Powderly took office in 1879,and under his leadership the knight flourished; by 1886 the group had 700,000 members. Powderly dispensed with the earlier rules of secrecy and committed the organization to seeking the eight-hour day, abolition of child labor, equal pay for equal work, and political reforms including the graduated in come tax.
The terms sphere of influence are extra territorial mandates are most commonly associated with imperialism where by one nation imposes on another nations affair.
It was postulated by the Psychologist called Irving Janis in 1972. Groupthink is when individuals come together to make certain decisions collectively while discarding their personal beliefs and making sure there is no form of dissent. This decisions however may not be the best or optimally efficient.