Substitution of a verb and exclusion of an article.
Forgetful, long-winded, bawdy, and seemingly immune to embarrassment, the nurse is happy to share cringe-worthy stories from her own past and Juliet’s with anyone who will listen.
Dazzling array ofdeities, demigods,monsters, and heroes. These figures inhabited a realm that stretched beyond the Greek landscape to the palaces of the gods on snow-capped Mount Olympus, as well as to the dismalunderworld.In time, Greek mythology became part of European culture, and many of its stories became known . god. Olympus. demigods
three different aspects of Greek Mythology
1. Deceit (decption has the similar structure of deceit; deceit means to lie or manipulate)
2. Discerned (to discern is to distinguish)
3. Grotesquely
4. Hunched (to hunch is to bend)
5. Seething (someone who is seething is extremely mad)
6. Slushy (think of the drink, which is composed of slightly melted ice)
7. Vehemently (to protest profusely)