Bring it in make sure you get your hook out there example do you like cats well this essay is about if cats are better is mind than dogs *cough, not really , cough* make sure you use words like well, then, however. and your sure to get a pretty good transition. Also, make sure it runs smoothly.
umm... I think this is what you're looking for, please don't yell at me if it is not
the purpose of myths is to help people understand morals like fairytales almost, another thing myths were used for was just to help people gather and talk/socialize.
You need to have your email because you need it for many other stuff and for vaccines for sure and for and for job too and just write a paragraph but short or you can write long one too whatever your teacher assign you for it do your best for sure
The pigs don’t like the story of the raven’s story about <em>Sugarcandy Mountain</em> because they consider this story as a waste of time and as a distraction from the life and obligations on the farm.
Pigs want the other animals to focus on the farm and the work they have to do, not to focus on something abstract and on the afterlife where sugar grows on the edges on clover.
Answer: The authors choice impacts the meaning because it could change the whole story by one little move. And anything could happen within a second of the story due to the authors actions.