A system of financial trading in which dealers shout their bids and contracts aloud.
Tactility is the degree to which the surface of an object seems to have a particular feel.
- This is an art terminology
- It typifies the responsiveness of the sense of feel to the finesse in an art work.
- It is also described as the responsiveness of an art work to stimulate ones feelings by touch.
C. Repetition is used to create rhythm
What happened................
The correct answer would be the boundaries of cosmos. This can be seen in the religious idol called Nataraja or Shiva as Lord of Dance. This idol depicts Shiva as a Lord of Dance a cosmic dancer who is making preparations for god Brahma who will start the process of creation. In order to do that Shiva is performing his divine dance in order to cleanse the weary universe which would make way for the new one.