The Industrial Revolution changed the lives of Americans by:
1. Giving them an opportunity to enhance/ improve in the technology that they had back then.
Ex: Phones on the walls became the cell phones that we carry around with us wherever we go.
2. It gave the jobless Americans at that time a chance to gain a job and be able to be able to get a home if homeless and better take care of their families if they had one.
Slavery made some colonies more likely to exploit large numbers of enslaved africans
A monarchy is a type of government ruled by a hereditary ruler, such as a king or queen. A theocracy, on the other hand, is a system where a small group of religious leaders rule in the name of a god. A monarch who claims the divine right of kings uses their religion to justify their position of power. (See image: Courtesy of A monarch can claim to rule by god's will, but doesn't have to be a religious leader.