Conventional medicine is the one that uses scientific procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Complementary medicine is the one that uses together, conventional medicine and other more traditional medicine, such as beekeeping.
Alternative medicine, is very different from the previous two, focuses on practices such as Yoga or Meditation to alleviate patients' illnesses.
From my point of view, I would choose complementary medicine that uses a set of conventional medicine and other techniques.
Since ancient times, different techniques have been used to alleviate diseases in people, until the invention of conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is in charge of using various medical processes to identify people's illnesses and provide them with the appropriate treatment. It is characterized by the use of pharmaceutical drugs and different medical examinations.
Over time, other types of medicine have also been incorporated, such as complementary medicine that is characterized by using conventional medicine and other alternative methods for diagnosing and treating people's illnesses. And finally, there is an alternative medicine that considers that the best option is optional treatments that do not require pharmaceutical medications but instead use meditation or other techniques to treat diseases.
<em>I hope this information can help you.</em>
<span>In American politics, a "single-issue interest group" means an organization that is (or claims to be) devoted exclusively to advocating one particular position on one particular policy issue. An "organization" might be a non-profit or a non-governmental organization (NGO), or a labor union, or a trade association, or a concerned citizens' group. Single-issue groups usually claim to be non-partisan (i.e., they support initiatives regardless of whether Democrats or Republicans advance them).
I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!
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Per california law, a person who commits a criminal assault using a motor vehicle (commonly known as "road rage") against either another motor vehicle, an operator of a bicycle or a pedestrian will:be suspended of the driving privilege. T<span>he suspension period authorized for road rage can be six months for a first offense and one year for a second or subsequent offense.</span>