B. "The forest seemed interminable; nowhere did he discover a break in it, not even a woodman's road."
Foreshadowing is a literary technique used by many authors to anticipate a clue about information that will only appear in the text later, or information that the characters still do not know. Foreshadowing serves to make the reader curious about the consequences that anticipated information will have on the narrative. Among the options given in the question, the one with foreshadowing is the letter B, as the author anticipates the information that "the forest seemed endless" before the character realizes it.
What do you like?
How do you feel about certain things like politics, food, sleeping, and other everyday simple matters?
Also, since I don't want to be a robot, just look up a list of character traits and use what matches you the best.
Hope I was of use. Have a nice day!
During their courtship and marriage, John Adams and Abigail Smith Adams exchanged over 1,100 letters, many filled with intellectual discussions on government and politics considered an invaluable account of the Revolutionary War. Abigail, a fierce advocate of rights for women and African-Americans, was an important partner throughout John's political career.
The correct answer is the second one. Explanation: In passive voice sentences it's the agent who performs the action over the subject. Therefore, the second answer is correct because the arrow is pointing from the agent, (the children) to the subject (the kitchen.)