Rift Valley
This happens when the plates pull apart. They don’t collide and are not any form of mountains.
This is because one of its orbital shells is not filled – the one with 1 electron. This atom will, therefore, want to lose this electron – it takes less energy to do this than gain 7 electrons -- to achieve stable electron configuration. This makes this atom very reactive in a chemical reaction. Usually orbital shells of atoms begin with an S orbital shell that is filled with 2 electrons then P (x,y,z) orbital shells filled with 6 electrons total. There are also higher energy f and d orbitals that each take a maximum 10 and 14 electrons respectively. An atom is stable if its orbitals are fully filled.
The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere creates a greenhouse effect.
To explain this usually some sunlight is reflected back into space while some is absorbed by the earth keeping the planet warm. However the increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide prevent the light from reflecting back into space and this light becomes trapped causing the earth to heat more then it should. You can almost think of the trapped heat from the greenhouse gases as a blanket around the earth trapping the heat in.
C. the basic unit on inheritance