Mainly what the book is about, is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee centres on Atticus Finch's attempts to prove the innocence of Tom Robinson, a black man who has been wrongly accused of raping a white woman in 1930s Alabama.
The rhetorical devices that President Trump uses in this excerpt are options 3 and 5.
Trump uses overstatement in sentence number 5.
Overstatement is saying something to lay emphasis or give a profound meaning, as to make the point more important than it is. As a result, Trump uses overstatement when he puts emphasis on the word America.
Moreover, he uses repetition in sentences number 6 and 7.
Repetition is a rhetorical device in which the person repeats the same word or phrases several times, to make the idea more concrete or memorable. This device appears when Trump uses the word "protect" multiple times in his speech.
The statement means that we are all lawbreakers, sinning is a violation of gods law. Sinning is a general characteristic of all mankind and at a point of time we are all guilty before god. we are sinners by nature and by our own acts of transgression.