It is most likely to be associated with an external locus of control.
The locus of control is an individual's <em>perception</em><em> of his/her reality</em>, which in turn <em>affects how he/she </em><em>interacts</em><em> with the </em><em>environment. </em>
The external locus of control relates to learnt helplessness because the way the individual interacts with the environment has lead to him/her too behave in a passive way. This is because the individual believes there is <em>no viable solution in the environment </em>for his/her problems and has<em> learnt to act accordingly. </em>
Answer:The revolution led to America incurring much debt, Hamilton proposed the government clearing off this debts at phase value
One of the major problems on the table of President George Washington was how to deal with the economic effect that the revolution created. George Washington appointment Alexander Hamilton who came up with tackling first the public credit because the government had incurred much debt due to the revolution, He issued the federal government to pay off all debts at phase value to enhance the legitimacy of a new central government.
The Market Revolution
The Market Revolution of the nineteenth century radically shifted commerce as well as the way of life for most Americans.
The Market Revolution (1793–1909) in the United States was a drastic change in the manual-labor system originating in the South (and soon moving to the North) and later spreading to the entire world. Traditional commerce was made obsolete by improvements in transportation, communication, and industry. With the growth of large-scale domestic manufacturing, trade within the United States increased, and dependence on foreign imports declined. The dramatic changes in labor and production at this time included a great increase in wage labor. The agricultural explosion in the South and West and the textile boom in the North strengthened the economy in complementary ways.
That supercontinent was called "<span>Pangaea."</span>