What has become of this wonderful world?This race has destroyed that beautiful Eden, and has made it unprepossessing.Where the beautiful willow trees grew, we only see now, an echo.No longer can you look up into the sky and see brilliant blue as far as the I can see.You can’t even see the shimmering stars dancing in the luminous night..Which brings tears to our tired eyes.Because they were such a sight to behold.Now open your ears , my friend and listen.The world only provides.The world is not egocentric.The world is full of wonder and majesty.From the million individual snowflakes that flutter to create a soft mattress of snow , not one is the same.Or the breathtaking sunsets, which tells you that the end of the day is near.Or the wondrous sunrise which announces the birth of a new adventure.A ring around the moon means frost is coming soon.They told me.That night I watched as the ground wrapped itself in a glittering blanket of crystals. In the summer, the grass green and bright, full of life.Taking handfuls and plucking at the turf, just to hear the satisfying sound of it ripping.The Sky slowly turning from blue to orange, then pink. Then slowly a blackout. And all falls silent.Daybreak comes, and the birds are slow to rise.The songs come tentatively at first.But soon the sounds of their sweet melodies fills your ears, as you begin to awaken.You looked outside and watched as the leaves on the trees capered slowly down to the ground.They fill the air with their laughter, as they pass on.And you think.What a wonderful world.Suddenly swallowed in inky black oblivion you open your tired eyes.You blink and see the world is not what it once was.The songs of the birds are no longer resonant, but deafening.As they cry out to you.The sod, is no longer a pillow of comfort, instead, it withers away. The sky is covered with smog, that fills your lungs with a sickening gas.Mother Nature looks at you with such melancholy.Your feel downhearted, because this was a mother you once loved.Who once held you in her arms.And you climbed on her branches. You swam in her love.And ate from her abundance.She looks at you.And slowly dissipates away.Because now she is forgottenGone forever.And it starts to rain.
Take heart.It doesn’t have to come to thisAll we have to do is love.Love this wonderful world that has been given to us.Love the birds in the sky, and the animals on the ground.Even the insect and bugs that scamper across the leaves of your favorite tree. Love the air you breathe, and the food and water that you consume.Love it with all your heart.And mind what you do to it.So take a walk. Plant a tree.Give back.That’s all I ask.Just,love this wonderful world.<span>Because the rain, has finally washed everything away.</span><span> </span><span> </span><span> </span>I know, its very long. You can even check, this is all me, no copying from the internet. </span>