red and orange because tertiary colors are combinations with primary and secondary colours.
Answer: Gemma took a <em>values inventory </em>in her career explorations class. This indicated to Gemma that money and status may mean a lot to her, but she also finds it healthy to maintain a work-life balance. The correct answer is B.
A values inventory is commonly given in school to help a student with their career goals. They are usually given a personality inventory, an aptitude assessment, and an interest inventory.
The values inventory worksheet has two separate sets of questions about life values and work values. On this worksheet, the student must choose from the columns of "must have, would like, and least important."
A few of the life values a student has to choose from are listed below.
1.) Being Healthy as can be.
2.) Having a happy family life
3.) Having a high status and prestige
4.) Having material possessions in life.
A few of the work values a student has to choose from are listed below.
1.) Being a leader at work.
2.) Working as a team member.
3.) Having experiences that are creative.
4.) Having job security.
procurement factors
A consumers buyer behavior is influenced by four major factors; cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors. These factors cause consumers to develop product and brand preferences
Procurement is used to ensure the buyer receives goods, services, or works at the best possible price when aspects such as quality, quantity, time, and location are compared. Almost all purchasing decisions include factors such as delivery and handling, marginal benefit, and price fluctuations
A firm's attempts to shorten the length of time a process takes may lead to disappointing outcomes because of time compression diseconomies.
What are time compression diseconomies?</h3>
- According to time compression diseconomies, which are defined as inefficiencies that arise when work is done more quickly, the cost of building a competency will rise exponentially as the amount of time permitted to do so decreases.
- Not every subsidiary deals with time compression diseconomies to the same extent.
- The date of a later subsidiary formation may affect how strong TCD is. Early-established subsidiaries may have greater TCD than later entries due to two factors.
- First, for late movers, vicarious learning may lower TCD. Second, TCD is made worse by the higher environmental uncertainty that early mover subsidiaries frequently experience.
- TCD explains why the well-studied relationship between the level of multi-nationality and business success is negatively moderated by the rate of overseas expansion.
To learn more about Diseconomies refer to:
The SG&A Expense/Sales is the tertiary ratio that drives profitability.
<h3>What is
SG&A Expense/Sales?</h3>
This refers to the everyday operating expenses of running a business that are not included in the production of goods or delivery of services.
As the SG&A includes rent, salaries, advertising, marketing expenses etc., it is the tertiary ratio that drives profitability.
Therefore, E is correct.
Read more about SG&A