Yes Napolean was ready to go ....
In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court's majority ruled that neither students nor teachers “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” The Court took the position that school officials could not prohibit only on the suspicion that the speech might disrupt the learning.
Gideon appealed his conviction to the US Supreme Court on the grounds that the Fourteenth Amendment incorporated the Sixth Amendment's right to counsel to the states. The Supreme Court ruled in Gideon's favor, requiring states to provide a lawyer to any defendant who could not afford one.
People turned to religion and spiritualism to cope with the unprecedented number of deaths.
Many clergy in the North professed that the war was God's instrument to rid the nation of slavery and turn it into the true land of freedom.
C. The hostages were held in Iran for more than a year and could have come home sooner.
D. Carter should have focused more on US policies rather than dealing with international disagreements.
The correct is C cattle, sheep, chickens, and pigs were brought to Europe for the first time.