Hatshepsut was a woman, daughter of Pharaoh Thutmose I. She was married to her step brother Thutmose II, and thus became the queen of Egypt when she was about twelve. Hattshepsut was the longest ruling Pharaoh female, who ruled Egypt, about twenty years in the fifteenth century BC. One of her greatest achievements was the expansion of ancient Egypt's trade routes. Thus Egypt was supplied with gold, wood, ivory, and resin.
The battle of gettysburg.
The French and Indian War was very essential to the American Revolution because the war debt was the reason that Parliament started imposing taxes on the colonists in the first place. Also, the French and Indian War weakened Britain, making the colonists' actions work more effectively.
The similarities of the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Tokugawa dynasty of Japan was they all achieved cultural advancements in literature, porcelain, printing, and architecture.
The Ming dynasty period was from 1368 to 1644, which was ruled the great king Ming. He conquered the Mongol led Yuan dynasty and came power. The Qing dynasty ruled China from 1644 to 1912.
These are the last imperial dynasty ruled by Han Chinese people. Tokugawa of Japan period also called Edo period from1603–1867 the final period of traditional Japan was ruled by Shogunate. In all these dynasties and rule it comprised people of upper, middle, and lower level to society.
The emperor, general and their families are considered as highest class, scholar bureaucrats, and landowners are middle class and labourers are considered as lower level of the society. All these dynasties were concentrated in developing foreign trade, achieved cultural advancements in literature, porcelain, printing, and architecture.
Answer:Germany defeated and occupied Poland (attacked in September 1939), Denmark (April 1940), Norway (April 1940), Belgium (May 1940), the Netherlands (May 1940), Luxembourg (May 1940), France (May 1940), Yugoslavia (April 1941), and Greece (April 1941).