The Scramble for Africa refers to the period between roughly 1884 and 1914, when the European colonisers partitioned the – up to that point – largely unexplored African continent into protectorates, colonies and ‘free-trade areas’. At the time the colonisers had limited knowledge of local conditions and their primary consideration was to avoid conflict among themselves for African soil. Since no one could foresee the short-lived colonial era, the border design – which endured the wave of independence in the 1960s – had sizable long-lasting economic and political consequences. The Scramble for Africa resulted in several large countries characterised by highly heterogeneous geography and ethnically fragmented populations that limit the ability of governments to broadcast power and build state capacity.
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and his associates staged the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich from November 8 to 9, 1923, a failed takeover of the government of Bavaria, a state in southern Germany.
It is hypocritical because racism and segregation did not apply if a white person was being tended to by the nurses. This means that while they are not equal or important when it comes to the law they are equal and important if they happen to have a white patient who needs them. And they can't be both at the same time.