Hey, I have this work where I have to interview a teacher but I am to shy to interview one of mine, could you answer these quest
ions for me please . 1. Why did you become a teacher?
2. What do you believe is the purpose of schooling?
3. What does a typical teaching day look like for you?
4. How do you know that your students have understood a lesson?
5. What are some of your favorite activities that you do with your students?
6. How do you ensure that you meet all learners' needs in your classroom?
7. Do you have a funny, interesting, or memorable teaching story that you would like to share?
8. What are some of the biggest benefits of being a teacher?
9. What are some of the biggest challenges of being a teacher?
10. For someone thinking about becoming a teacher, what would you say to them?
11. Anything else that you think is important to know?
1. I became a teacher to make a difference in the lives of students. 2. I believe the purpose of schooling is to expand the minds of students. 3. A typical teaching day comes with the planning, the teaching, the grading, activities, parent interaction, one on one student and teacher time and at the end of the day a difference. 4. A simple question and answer when the lesson is over go around the room have each student answer a question if majority of the class is struggling we will continue the lesson. However if only few students do not understand we will have one on one time so we can help those students understand. 5. A favorite of mine is what I call the “talk and toss” it’s a game many students enjoy we usually play this game after every lesson. I know many students may are afraid to answer when asked a question in fear of getting it wrong so instead of having them speak aloud I have them write on a paper the answer (everyone participates in this) and then they throw the papers across the class and everyone picks up a paper and reads the answer on that paper aloud. I find this is a good activity because nobody knows who’s paper they have and nobody will feel embarrassed. 6. I encourage them let all know they are in a safe environment and can come talk to me whenever so I have often one on one time with my students so I can better understand their learning process. When learning I give each student a chance to participate and ask questions. I also create diverse activities focused on the same topic so whether a student is a physical learner, a visual learner, an aural learner, or any of the other they all get a chance to learn from that activity or lesson. 7. I had this student years ago who was deaf and I learned so much from that Kid he was so brilliant and I will never forget him. 8. I think one of the biggest benefits of being a teacher is that you can continue to grow and develop with your students as well. 9. Drama! Student drama. 10. I would tell them of the joy that comes when you see a student light up and see that they actually learned something new and it was because of you and you made a difference in their life. I would also tell them that there is never a dull moment in a classroom and you’ll get to learn as well as teach. 11. I think as a teacher it is important to know what your explaining and that your explaining it good. I’ve been there where I don’t even know what I’m teaching and it’s very hard when you don’t understand. So learn the material before you teach it if you don’t understand that material.
basically what answer C is saying is that "Are you afraid to perform this act and take the blame for your actions? Knowing that this is what will help you to obtain the throne."
Profiles exist everywhere in everyday life. As social beings, we have a lot of interest in other humans' lives. For example, check out this section of the Bozeman Chronicle: