Well here are 3 I hope they help and I hope you find the others and of course shorten them up
#12 Greece's main exports were olive oil, wine, pottery, and metalwork.Imports included grains and pork from Sicily, Arabia, Egypt, Ancient Carthage, Bosporan Kingdom.
#13 The Ancient Greeks grew olives, grapes, figs and wheat and kept goats, for milk and cheese. They ate lots of bread, beans and olives. In the Summer months there were plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to eat and in the winter they ate dried fruit and food they had stored like apples and lentils
#18 The Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC) was an ancient Greek war fought by the Delian leauge ledAthens against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta.
The establishment of crops, the exploitation of sugar and the exploitation of gold.
Colombus was the first Spanish explorer to reach the Caribbean islands and quickly wrote to the Spanish crown about how profitable that land would be for Spain. Colombus wrote that the land was good for agriculture, which could improve food in Spain and promote trade between other countries. In addition, Colombus stated that the exploitation of sugar would be very beneficial in the place, in addition to the exploration of gold and other precious metals. These factors made the Caribbean an extremely important region for Spain, which aroused the greed of other nations in relation to this territory.
It allowed profit and work to increase drastically. It also allowed texas to profit off of the oil industry more than they ever could by hand
It’s goes period, colon (:), this thing (‘), and comma I think
Here is the sample answer:
Feudalism shaped the social structure of the Middle Ages. Under the feudal system, there was a strict social hierarchy. Clothing was a way to display which social class a person represented. Nobles, including lords and ladies, often were dressed in rich colored clothing, sometimes even with golden thread. Dying clothes was expensive at the time; therefore, only the wealthy could afford to have clothing made with vibrant clothes. Peasants wore undyed clothes in browns and grays mostly for two reasons. They were inexpensive, and because they worked the land, dirt was less predominant and they were easier to clean.