It would determine by the fact if they wages, the working conditions who’s working their, the way the comunision is or how there labor or union is!
Transforming the judicial system.
The Turkish Sultan Suleiman The Magnificent (reigned 1520-1566) stood at the helm of the Ottoman Empire at the zenith of its power. He conquered Balkan lands in Europe, much of the Middle East and North Africa. The Ottoman navy dominated the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. He is also known for promoting major changes in taxation, education, criminal law and social issues. Together with his officials, he managed to conciliate the two sources of Ottoman law, the civil law or Sultanic law, and the Sharia, or Islamic law.
With more than one ruler the empire would be better suited to protect itself from threats from barbarians and persia
ANSWER: Alhaji Shehu Shagari became the first democratically elected President.
Please give me brainliest !!
They were all on the outskirt of the two sides and every one of them had motivations to go both routes in the contention.
Maryland was a slave state and from multiple points of view held to an indistinguishable thoughts from the Confederates. The most compelling motivation that they went poorly them is on the grounds that the US government ensured there were a lot of troops there, so Washington DC wasn't cut off amidst Confederate land.
Both Missouri and Kentucky had their own smaller than expected form of the Civil War going, where neighbors battled with neighbors.