this is the answer school will ask you for:
In the 1860s, the Copperheads, also known as Peace Democrats, were a faction of Democrats in the Northern United States of the Union who opposed the American Civil War and wanted an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates.
this is my opinion :
white ppl coudln't do anything without blacks so both sides knew black ppl were strong so they promised them freedom and payments so they could join them.
Environmentalists say grizzlies have a slow reproduction rate and would be imperiled as a result of hunting and other dangers. ... "This premature decision to remove endangered-species protections could set grizzly recovery back by decades," said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, in a statement.May 30, 2020
Environmentalists say grizzlies have a slow reproduction rate and would be imperiled as a result of hunting and other dangers. ... "This premature decision to remove endangered-species protections could set grizzly recovery back by decades," said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, in a statement.May 30, 2020
Factory laws
Since the factory workers created trade unions, they fought for their rights and the parliament soon introduced factory laws. For example, the mines act and factory law which limited the age and time of workers in the mineshaft.
I don’t fully understand this question but I think the different government tactics