I think that Viruses are not alive so Being composed of molecules that are found in cells (nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and complex sugars) and having the capacity to evolve, viruses are often said to be alive. But they aren't alive because they arent a living thing.
A dichotomous key is defined as a biological tool for identifying unknown organisms to a particular taxonomic level. It is constructed with many levels and series of couplets.
So, by observing the given dichotomous key, it is concluded that the correct answer is Option A- Organism X and Z have at least one observable trait in common in this dichotomous key.
If a decaying baby teeth is untreated properly without an expert's care, it may lead to permanent and serious problems in the developing permanent teeth. Which why it is advisable for parent to bring their children to their family dentist for regular check-ups to diagnose any present problems in the teeth and may be fixed right away.
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of the two components of the nervous system, the other part is the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord.[1] The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs, essentially serving as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body.[2] Unlike the CNS, the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull, or by the blood–brain barrier, which leaves it exposed to toxins and mechanical injuries. The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. In the somatic nervous system, the cranial nerves are part of the PNS with the exception of the optic nerve(cranial nerve II), along with the retina. The second cranial nerve is not a true peripheral nerve but a tract of the diencephalon.[3]Cranial nerve ganglia originated in the CNS. However, the remaining ten cranial nerve axons extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the PNS.[4] The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands. The connection between CNS and organs allows the system to be in two different functional states: sympathetic and parasympathetic
Choice: (A) The herd has reached its carrying capacity because the growth rate is negative.