It can be explained with the help of law of dominance which states that the dominant allele expresses itself completely over the recessive allele in heterozygous condition.
The dominant allele is represented by a capital letter. For example, T is a dominant trait which codes for tallness. It expresses its trait in homozygous as well as heterozygous condition.
The recessive allele or trait is represented by small letter and required homozygous recessive condition for their expression. For example, t is a recessive allele which codes for shortness when present in homozygous condition.
Thus, plants with TT and Tt will be tall in nature whereas plants with tt will be short or dwarf in nature.
The cpt® code reported for the reprogramming is 92604, which is Subsequent reprogramming. Current Procedural Terminology (cpt) is a medical code set that is used to report medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures and services to entities such as physicians, health insurance companies and accreditation organizations.
The bonds between the phosphates in ATP are very high energy, meaning that the bonds really really want to break because phosphates don't like being so close to each other. When the bonds do break, a ton of energy is released (think of it like a celebration that they aren't so close anymore).