- <u>Post-Industrial stage: </u>
During the post-industrial stage, the human population experienced a high birth rate, as there were more secure procedures and there were more medical facilities for the patients.
Research work was performed in doing safe new born deliver, along with that more advance instruments were developed creating it more easy for any doctor or nurse to apply the procedures easily. As, before there was lack of procedures and there were less advance instruments in order to carry out the whole process of delivery.
- <u>Innovation of new and effective medicines:</u>
As there were research works carried out by medical personnel to improve the effectiveness of medicines, which eventually resulted in cure for more diseases. As there were less number of deaths caused due to illness or any disorder inside the human body.
- <u>Increase rate of literacy:</u>
There was increase in the literacy rate in the different regions around the globe. As now there were many institution and schools that was offering quality education to the masses.
- <u>More places to live safe and with convenience:</u>
There were more places for the people around the globe to live, as there were strong structures been built in the shape of buildings and then after that it went on to increase the level of convenience for people to live safely.