A president should be generous and smart about her/his decisions. They should protect this country and make it better not worse. They should help in worldly problems like global warming and carbon taxes and many more. A president should also actually make America great again not just make walls or allow more people to migrate here. This years candidates are horrible, one is a liar and the other is a big racist. I seriously am NOT happy about this, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people agree with me! So good luck USA citizans, hope we have good years in the next 4.
1. I dont think that celebrating weddings in an elaborate way is good. What's the point of inviting people you dont know? Youre just paying extra for people who u have no idea are
2. I dont think arranged marriages should be a thing to be honest. Because if they're not actually you're soulmate then what's the point of being with them for the rest of your life?
The word in the sentence that is
the predicate adjective: Hannah was generous in offering to help care for the
little stray kittens, is little stray.