The Sugar Act was part of the policy of Mercantilism that favored England by controlling trade, especially in respect of the import of sugarcane from the West Indies.
By preventing colonists from trading with most foreign countries. How did mercantilist policies create tension between Great Britain and the colonies? Colonist organized boycotts of British goods. ... Colonists were forced to quarter troops in their homes.
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relationship conflict
This question is an example of relationship conflict. This to people are opposite why one is quiet the other is very jovial and outgoing so they are likely to have disagreements based on the fact that they have different personalities. They would have personality clashes and also emotional negative emotional outbursts
It would be the <span>New England Colonies
The new England colonies owned by the British America, which includes the region of </span><span> Connecticut Colony, Providence Plantations, new Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Islands.
Initially, the earliest settlers that came into these territories were religious pilgrims that came to escape political hostility.</span>
It is form of emotion-focused coping called distancing. Distancing is likewise connected as a connection style. Secure people, those with low levels of uneasiness and shirking, adapt well to stretch since they look for help from trusted connection figures or utilize mental delineations of help from the past.