N and S represent North and South and the arrows i think are the magnetic energy.
There are several reasons for the rise in the single parent homes (divided families). One of the most basic reasons has to do with <u>commitment</u> to marriage vows. Many decide the first time things get rough, they won't work on the problem together but just opt for a divorce. A <u>divorce no longer holds the stigma</u> it once did so people feel more free in using it as a solution. Being a single parent, although difficult at times, doesn't have to be someone confined to the home for childcare 24/7 but are <u>educated and can afford to go it on their own</u>. Women, or even men, <u>do not have to suffer physical, mental or verbal abuse at the hand on their mate </u>as people now recognize this type of abuse is not the person's fault. To the list of reasons for separated families we can add 1)<u>immaturity</u> 2)<u> feeling of entitlement</u> 3) <u>lack of spirituality in the home</u> 4)<u> welfare is more profitable as a single parent </u>and 5)<u> basic family values have not been passes down from older generations.</u>
False there are only four main types
Localised Amnesia
The tragic occurrence could have many negative effects on a human being, either physical, psychological or sociological. Localized Amnesia is the most common form of failure to recall events during a circumscribed period of time. There are several other associated amnesia that may also occur to victims like Systematised amnesia, Generalised amnesia and many more. localized amnesia is a temporary memory loss restricted to specific or isolated experiences. Also called circumscribed amnesia; lacunar amnesia.