The answer to that would be 4000 pounds :)
To solve problems and improve condition in the state
Free blacks in the antebellum period—those years from the formation of the Union until the Civil War—were quite outspoken about the injustice of slavery. Their ability to express themselves, however, was determined by whether they lived in the North or the South. Free Southern blacks continued to live under the shadow of slavery, unable to travel or assemble as freely as those in the North. It was also more difficult for them to organize and sustain churches, schools, or fraternal orders such as the Masons.
Although their lives were circumscribed by numerous discriminatory laws even in the colonial period, freed African Americans, especially in the North, were active participants in American society. Black men enlisted as soldiers and fought in the American Revolution and the War of 1812. Some owned land, homes, businesses, and paid taxes. In some Northern cities, for brief periods of time, black property owners voted. A very small number of free blacks owned slaves. The slaves that most free blacks purchased were relatives whom they later manumitted. A few free blacks also owned slave holding plantations in Louisiana, Virginia, and South Carolina.
Free African American Christians founded their own churches which became the hub of the economic, social, and intellectual lives of blacks in many areas of the fledgling nation. Blacks were also outspoken in print. Freedom's Journal, the first black-owned newspaper
Answer: Concepts
It is a mental grouping of similar things, events, and people that is used to remember and understand what things are, what they mean, and what categories or groups they belong to. For example, if I say to you, "think of a car," the concept, "car" will evoke some ideas in your head about what a car is and what types of characteristics it contains
- Matthew the Epistle
- Hebrew
- Tax-collector
The gospel now known as the Gospel of Matthew was anonymous.
Papias attributed a gospel to Matthew in the second century, according to what Eusebius wrote in the fourth century. However, several academics are unsure whether the gospel descibed by Papias was the same now attributed to Matthew.
Although the Church Fathers of the second century stated that Matthew's Gospel was written in Hebrew by Matthew himself, modern scholars agree that it was most likely written in Greek, and not by an eyewitness to the events described. Furthermore,
and Luke's Gospel, it soon becomes apparent that
Both Matthew and Luke seem to have been substantially based on Mark's Gospel.