Bacteria, air, animals, plants
First of al we need to do the Punnett square. As a result we get the genotypes:
Because there are no red frogs, red is the least dominant as it isn't expressed in any genotype.
Half of the progeny are blue and half of the possible genotypes contain the blue allele meaning that blue is expressed in all genotypes. This means that blue is the most dominant.
The only alleles left are yellow and orange. We can deduce that yellow is more dominant than orange because one of the parent frogs is yellow and contains the genes for yellow and orange.
As a result blue is the most dominant, yellow is the second most dominant, orange is the third most dominant and red is the least dominant.
Compaction and cementation
The formation of lymph increases as a result of increasing osmotic pressure in blood capillaries.
I will answer the question accordingly so that it help you under stand it better.
Question A.
During an extreme heat wave, plants with white flowers survive better.
What mechanism is in work here?
Answer: Mechanism of Natural Selection
will work here. This is called survival of the fittest which means the best color which fits in harsh conditions will dominate over others and will survive for longer time.
What is the effect on the gene pool?
Answer: The Frequency of white allele will increases
because white color is the best fit to extreme heat wave.
Question B.
A person uproots the five closest plants, which all happen to have white flowers.
What mechanism is in work here?
Answer: The mechanism of gene flow will work here as color of flower represents genotype of flower.
What is the effect on the gene pool?
Answer: The Frequency of white allele will increases because genotype of white flowers is increased.