How much phosphorus does the human body have?
How much phosphorus do I need?
Life Stage Recommended Amount
Children 9 to 13 years old 1,250 mg
Adolescents 14 to 18 years old 1,250 mg
Pregnant and lactating adolescents 1,250 mg
Adults over 19 years of age 700 mg
Particulate matter
An electrostatic precipitator is an air filter. For this reason, we can say that the air pollutant that would be captured if electrostatic precipitates were installed in the exhaust systems would be the particulate matter.
An electrostatic precipitator is very effective in controlling atmospheric pollution in an industry, factory or even a plant that emits polluting gases into the atmosphere. This equipment captures the polluting particles, leaving only the clean private gas to be transferred to the atmosphere.
Founder effect
Genetic drift is the process of change in allele frequency in a population because of chance increase or decrease in number of particular alleles in that population. It can be caused due to may reasons like founder effect, bottleneck effect etc.
Founder effect is a phenomena where a small group of individuals migrate from the original population to some other area and start a new population. The new population will all result from this small founder population. So if by chance some alleles were present more in the founder population, the new population will also show high frequency for it. As a result the allele frequencies in the new population can differ from the original first population.
Here, the Amish population in North America was settled by a small number of immigrants from Europe. Among those immigrants many had alleles for genetic dwarfism. So when this small population grew in America, genetic dwarfism also became prevalent in them.
C, It took Earth this long to cool enough to form rocks.
A decrease in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from the soil increases microorganism growth because the rate of decomposition decreases.
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