Jargons are special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
An example is AWOL which is short for "absent without leave," AWOL is military jargon used to describe a person whose whereabouts are unknown.
Therefore jargon is correct.
A hook is used in the "introduction" to interest the reader in what he is going to read in the following paragraphs.
Whitman is mainly writing about the employed people who have jobs and are relatively well off and who contribute to society in the millions doing the tasks according to their trade or profession and are what he considers the "backbone of society" whereas Langston Hughes gives a different picture of America of the black people who must retire to the kitchen and hide themselves when guests come (by inference to a white person's place) and who must suffer unemployment and economically difficult times often.But in spite of that, he remains optimistic that things will get better for black Americans.
"Scheming or hazardous little guy" is Kantorek's literary genre. He represents an older generation of leaders who are betraying their supporters by espousing out-of-date beliefs. Paul and his companions saw Kantorek as a wise and enlightened person who owed his position of power to his knowledge. They rapidly pick up on his bluffing and come to loathe him for it.