the epilogue to romeo and juliet is spoken by prince escalus at the very end of the play. after the bodies of romeo and juliet have been discovered, friar laurence makes a full confession explaining the series of events. lord montage and lord capulet clasp hands and promise to make peace
Rohit and India
A noun is a person place or thing
<span>1. The sentence which is not an example of magic realism is B. the aunt designs and crafts dolls as gifts for her nieces. According to the definition of magic realism, this type of narrative represents real life problems, adding something that is not really familiar to our daylife, so these moments can be called sort of magical. Option B contains a pretty regular sentence that is about something which can happen to us, while the other options have something that is not that common among most people’s lives.
2. The statement which best states a central idea explored in "The Youngest Doll" is A. taking revenge through acts of passive aggression. This is a story about a woman that exacts a quiet revenge, hiding her feelings from anyone else and delivering her anger in quite a special way. She made some dolls for her nieces. The last made doll became her youngest niece which also posed as a tool of revenge for the niece’s husband whose behaviour toward the aunt was unacceptable.
3. The cultural trait that is addressed in both "The youngest doll" and the myth of "pandora?" is B. the role of gender in societal structures. The main problem that is raised in these stories is connected with females underestimation due to some established social stereotypes. The first story is about a bitten woman that has to hide with her problems and no one want’s to hear her out until she proved she has a power. The second story is about a first mortal woman that was made out of clay by the gods but doesn’t get a royal treatment.
4.The statement “Subjects that are part of a compound subject must have the same verb.” is TRUE. As you know, we can call a sentence a compound subject when contains two or more subjects. Usually all the subjects are joined by joinder ‘and’ or the construction ‘both..and..’. Here is an example of compound subject : She told me she likes listening to both pop and rock music. Subjects are : pronoun ‘she’, ‘pop’, ‘rock music’.
5. The statement “ Compound verb consists of a plural verb associated with two different subjects. “ is FALSE. A compound verb is a verb which is composed of multiple words such as phrasal verbs, verbs that come with auxiliaries and prepositional ones. Here is an example of a compound word in a sentence which is made out of phrasal verbs : Join our crew, we won’t let you down!
6.The verb that correctly completes the sentence is A.
Janice and her sister are excellent tennis players. As you can see, this sentence contains two subjects and both of them belong to the common characteristic at the end of the sentence. Since we have two subjects, a verb ‘to be’ must fit a plural form of the subjects so we use ‘are’.
7. The sentence that correctly combines the given ones using the rules of compound subjects and verbs is B.mars and jupiter have several moons. Again, in this task we can see how two different subjects belong to one verb ‘to have’. Remember that ‘have’ is used with the third person plural present tense so it is the only correct form of the verb for this case.</span>
•for they can see the world
•for they can learn new things
•and can see new things