B. "The forest seemed interminable; nowhere did he discover a break in it, not even a woodman's road."
Foreshadowing is a literary technique used by many authors to anticipate a clue about information that will only appear in the text later, or information that the characters still do not know. Foreshadowing serves to make the reader curious about the consequences that anticipated information will have on the narrative. Among the options given in the question, the one with foreshadowing is the letter B, as the author anticipates the information that "the forest seemed endless" before the character realizes it.
PERSONIFICATION: Line 2: “lilting house”, lilting is an old school style of Gaelic singing, hence the house is personified.
Line 4 and 5: “Time” is personified as the speaker’s playmate.
Line 12: the sun has been personified and is defined as young.
Line 13: “time” is once again treated as the speaker’s friend.
Line 29: the farm is personified by the word “shoulder”.
ASSONANCE: Line 7: “trees” and “leaves” are vowel rhymes. They don’t rhyme perfectly, but the long “e” binds them together.
Line 8: “daisies” and “barley” are again vowel rhymes.
CONSONANCE: Line 9: “rivers” and “windfall” are consonant rhymes, where the “v” of rivers and “f” of windfall binds them together.
IMAGERY: Line 15: the speaker calls himself “green and golden” as a “huntsman and herdsman”.
ALLITERATION: Line 14: “mercy of his means”.
ANAPHORA: Line 21-23: the “and” is the word that these three lines begins with, this builds up the momentum of the poem.
SIMILE: Line 28: the farm is described as “a wanderer white/ with the dew”.
ALLUSION: Line 30: the call of Adam and Eve is a major allusion.
Answer: A. You receive a broad education in a particular career field.
Apprenticeship programs are referred to as occupational training programs whereby classroom study are combined with on-the-job work experience. An apprenticeship program is done in order to help entry level workers gain the necessary job skills that are needed in their careers.
Some of its benefits include gaining valuable experience, earning money, acquiring valuable skills and knowledge and also receiving a broad education in a particular career field.
B) Antonyms, because sweet means “having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salty, sour, or bitter.” while pungent means “having a sharply strong taste or smell.” So, they are antonyms.