Write about each topic one at a time. Be sure to not intermix two separate ideas in order to maintain clarity throughout. Do your best to stay on task and not get distracted or go off on unneeded tangents. I would also suggest to separate each topic/idea into its own paragraph indenting each time. That's my advice on keeping your prose writing clear and concise. Hope this helps!
Usually the reason is D. It can make us biased, I don't see any other option making sense
General Israel Putnam told his men "Dont fire until you see the whites of there eyes because some of them were too eagar to shoot and he wanted them to shoot at close range so they could hit the enemy. This also saved ammunition and helped them fight better.
A Venn Diagram has 3 parts. There are two sections that are used for the differences. The middle section is used for the similarities.
A venn diagram is used to compare and contrast two different ideas. To make a Venn Diagrm, you draw two circles which overlap. Each circle represents one of the topics you are comparing and contrasting. For example, one circle would represent apples and the other oranges. The overlapping section of the circles is for listing the similarities. In our example, one might find the words fruit, seeds, trees, Halloween, etc. The circle labaled apple might have the words red and green. The circle labeled orange might contain the words orange and sections.