15. Current increases
16. 4 Amp
17. Current decreases
18. A direct relationship
19. voltage affects current
20. Current is unchanged
First you need to know about Ohm's Law. Ohm's law can be summarized in the formula:

V = Voltage
I = Current
R = Resistance
As you can see, when you increase the voltage, the current increases as well. When you decrease the resistance, current increases as well. This means that voltage has a direct relationship with current, and current has an indirect relationship with resistance.
Voltage is the potential, or electrical potential energy that pushes the current along a circuit. THe current is the flow of energy, so it is actually the rate of electrical energy that goes through a point in a circuit over a period of time. The resistance is the resistive force, that the current goes through as it goes through a circuit.
Let's apply that to question 16:

Our given:
V = 6V
R = 1.5Ω

In question 17,just to show you, we can solve it and compare:
<u>6 V battery and 3Ω resistance:</u>

<u>3 V battery and 3Ω resistance:</u>

Current decreases from 2A to 1A.
Let's try it on Question 20:
<u>12V and 5Ω</u>

<u>6V and 2.5Ω</u>

There is no difference.