The green house effect refers to gases trapping the heat energy reflected from earth’s surface.
gases trapping heat energy reflected from the earth's surface.
It is the greenhouse effect that made earth a planet that supports life. if there was no green house effect the earth would have been too cold to live on. Sunlight contains rays like UV and infrared.
UV rays being harmful are blocked by the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Infrared rays that enter the earth’s atmosphere are trapped by the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane etc. the trapped infrared rays help in providing warmth.
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The Precambrian era envelopes the major bulk of the history of the Earth, beginning from the creation of the planet approx 4.5 billion years ago and terminating with the origination of composite, multicelled forms of life approximately 4 billion years after.
The Precambrian refers to the earliest of the geologic ages that are signified by the distinct layers of sedimentary rock. The Earth was about more than six hundred million years old when life started. The planet had cooled down from its native molten state, creating a solid crust and oceans formed by water vapor in the atmosphere.
At about three billion years ago, the atmosphere of the Earth was virtually devoid of oxygen. At approximately 2.4 billion years ago, oxygen was discharged from the seas as a waste product of photosynthesis by cyanobacteria. The levels of the gas slowly raised, attaining about 1 percent around two billion years ago.
Approximately 800 million years ago, the levels of oxygen attained about 21 percent and started to breathe life into more composite species. The oxygen-rich ozone layer was also created, protecting the surface of the Earth from the harmful solar radiation.