Sensing danger and sweating
A Tropical monsoon climate<span> (occasionally known as a </span>tropical wet climate<span> or a </span>tropical monsoon and trade-wind littoral climate<span>) is a type of </span>climate<span> that corresponds to the </span>Köppen climate classification<span> category "Am". Tropical monsoon climates have monthly mean temperatures above 18 °C in every month of the year and feature </span>wet<span> and </span>dry<span> seasons, as </span><span>Tropical savanna climates</span>
Emotion is one of the responses of an organism (whole) which
involves physiological arousal. Other than indicating emotion, physiological
arousal or heightened physiological activity is modernly used in polygraphs.
Polygraphs or lie detector notes changes in blood pressure, pulse, respiration
while the subject is asked and answers questions. It is based on the assumption
that dishonest answers are indicated with physiological arousal.
The first one SUBLIMATION. :)