The workies pressed for universal male suffrage,equal educational opportunities,protection from debtor imprisonment and compulsory service in the militia
In the 1960 Presidential elections, John F Kennedy became the democratic candidate despite his Catholicism.
This was surprising since Anti-Catholic sentiment was pretty high in mainstream American society at the time.
This was also seen as a reason why his presidential win was the closest in the history of the United States with a margin of just 118,000 out of 69 million votes.
The fugitive slave act of 1793 authorized local governments to recapture escaped slaves and imposed laws restricting the aiding of runaway slaves. This act was provised in 1850 “compromise of 1850” forcing locals to aid in the capturing of slaves and denied the right of slaves to have a trial by jury. The aiding of escaped slaves was also punished more than in the first act
C. The Monarchy
On 2 December 1848, Louis Napoléon Bonaparte (Napoléon III) was elected president of the Second Republic, largely on peasant support. Exactly three years later he suspended the elected assembly, establishing the Second French Empire, which lasted until 1870. Louis Napoléon went on to become the de facto last French monarch.
"All that is or is heaven begs for purity. Blood that is slain (dead), screams at it:" It's time to separate ... "