Answer: Clinical Trials Phase III
Explanation: In order to check if a drug will work and what side effects the drug might have it has to be tested on test subjects so they can document everything that may happen.
Answer: Severe Common Cold, Penumiona, and Severe Types of Coronavirus
Explanation: These respiratory disorders can cause trouble breathing and acute repistory syndrome.
Answer: Different types of drugs affect your body in different ways, and the effects associated with drugs can vary from person to person. How a drug effects an individual is dependent on a variety of factors including body size, general health, the amount and strength of the drug, and whether any other drugs are in the system at the same time. It is important to remember that illegal drugs are not controlled substances, and therefore the quality and strength may differ from one batch to another
Answer: Venous bleeding
The external bleeding can be define as the bleeding in which the blood leaves the body due to external injury. The internal bleeding is the bleeding which occurs inside the body that may occur due to internal injury. There are about three types of external bleeding named as capillary, venous and arterial.
Capillary bleeding is most common and results from damage of tiny capillaries. Arterial bleeding is one of the serious type. The blood will spurt out from damage artery. It involves large amount of blood loss.
Venous bleeding occurs when a vein is subjected to cut, blood will steadily flow. If a deep vein is cut then the bleeding cannot be controlled and it can be fatal.