Most computer devices are connected to the computer through port
Keyboard through usb port
Printer through usb port
Hand point device through usb port
Also computer equipped with LPT port for printers and COM port for additional devices like external modems e.t.c
I think the answer is WAN (wide area network)
If you save the input as num,
this will print the input 8 times.
num = input("Enter a number: ")
print(num * 8)
If you want to do actual math calculations,
then the input needs to be a number.
num = float(input("Enter a number: "))
print(num * 8)
This doesn't account for any errors in which the user doesn't input a number, but I don't think that's what you were looking for anyway :)
MYbe show a picture next time so we can see what the problem is about ?