wireless replay attack
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that the type of attack that is being described is known as a wireless replay attack. Like mentioned in the question this is a network attack where an individual hijacks data in the middle of it being sent in order to copy it before the data reaches the intended recipient. This information can then be used for whatever the attacker intends.
Look for it in the dictanory
A. 0
RAID level zero refers to disk arrays with striping at the level of blocks, but without any redundancy.
RAID ZERO (disk striping) : This is the process of dividing a body of data into blocks and also spreading the data blocks across multiple storage devices, such as hard disks or solid-state drives (SSDs), in a redundant array of independent disks (RAID) group.
Following are the code in the C Programming Language.
//set integer datatype variable
int score;
//check condition is the score is in the range of 0 to 100
if(score > 0 && score < 100){
//print if condition is true
printf("Valid test scores");
//otherwise print the following string.
printf("test scores are Invalid");
<u>Following are the description of the code.</u>
In the following code that is written in the C Programming Language.
- Set an integer data type variable i.e., score.
- Then, set the if conditional statement to check the condition is the variable "score" is greater than 0 and less the 100.
- If the following statement is true then print "Valid test scores".
- Otherwise, it print "test scores are Invalid".
In most cases, a spywares are unwanted software enters into your computer or other devices and steal sensitive information, your internet usage data, and other information. Spyware is considered a malware type and a malicious one that is aimed at damaging a device or gaining control and access without the knowledge of the owner.