The major difference between the two is that tortoises dwell on land, while turtles live in the water some or nearly all of the time.
A double-helical DNA molecule consists of two DNA strands. A DNA strand has free 5' phosphate at one end and a free hydroxyl group (OH) at its 3' end. A DNA double helix is said to be antiparallel since each end of the double helix has an exposed 5' phosphate on one strand and a free 3' hydroxyl group (OH) on the other. This means that the two DNA strands run in opposite directions. A phosphate group is always esterified to the 5' carbon of the pentose sugar; never at its 3' end.
<span>HWE is used with COIDS and non CODIS eligible DNA profiles to provide statistical caluclations for the rarity or uniqueness of profiles. Each STR kit test for a certian number of loci. Each lous has a set ladder of observed alleles. Each of these alleles has value for its observed frequency in a population. It is the rarity of each allele at each location that will give you the value for rarity of the profile as a whole. This rarity fo the profile is calucalted in CODIS under certian circumstances using to determine the eligibilty of a partial profile or a forensic mixture to determine its eligiblity for the different leves of the database.</span>
so what's the question here??