As a design rule, access points within range of each other should be set to channel frequencies with minimal signal overlap. Users will find that roaming doesn’t work well, and performance will degrade because of interference between access points.
for(int i =0; i<yearlySalesTotals.length;i++)
The for statement in has the syntax as given above, it has an int variable indicating the starting index, then a boolen condition ensuring that you don't get out of the array bounds, and an increment operator.
See below a complete program in java that will output all elements of the array assuming the array yearlySalesTotals contains only ten elements and all indexes has been assigned values.
public class ANot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double []yearlySalesTotals = new double[10];
for(int i = 0; i<yearlySalesTotals.length; i++){
Vertical: goes straight up and down parallel to the y-axis