The answer & explanation for this question is given in the attachment below.
System of linear equations is solved below and explained in detail.
Part a:
M = [1 3 5 2; 2 -4 7 -3; 0 -4 -7 3; 5 -3 2 1];
c = [7; -3; -1; 0];
Part b:
The statement used for the solution of system of linear equation will be:
X = linsolve(M,c)
where X will give the values of x1, x2, x3, x4 respectively.
Part c:
The system is solved in matlab using above equation and the results are attached in a file.
The values for X are:
x1 = -2/7
x2 = 3/7
x3 = 4/7
x4 = 11/7
There is no table, so I can only comment on the statements:
The binary value of decimal 10 is A. ==> False, however A is a hexadecimal representation of 10.
The binary value of decimal 13 is 1001 ==> False, 13 would be 1101.
The binary value of decimal 15 is 1111. ==> True.
The binary value of decimal 14 is E. ==> Again E is a hexadecimal representation of 14.
What does that mean??????????????????????????????????
Circuit breaker beacuse it cuts everything off