Losing against the Protestants in the country and further rift with allies like England, Sweden and Denmark led to the shift of power away from Rome, the seat of the Catholic church
In the 15th Century, with the reformation in Education sector led by the Humanist, the roots of the Roman Catholic church started to weaken as more and more noble class wanted to adopt the newer methodology and curriculum of studies.
Further, with the Church’s focus on consolidating political power with the help of the bureaucrats, they lost out their power on the locals and Daily church life, which was pointed out by the Humanist reformers.
In addition to this, with emergence of strong individual leaders like Martin Luther King, Religious autonomy was further popularised, leading to the downfall of Catholic Church. In fact, in England, Henry VIII was moving towards religious autonomy and shirking away from the clutches of the Holy Roman Empire. It created a parallel setup called the Anglican Church which gave supreme religious power to the king itself, instead of the Pope.
Dance Halls was a popular form of entertainment
Are you asking whether this is true? yes, this is true, at least to some extend! if they had different views, they would belong to a different party.
In practice, it's impossible to hold similar views on ALL issues, but what distinguishes a party is a certain view on some issues: and then people can join this party if they agree with this view.
Trading with them, especially Japan and Korea and Teaching them to become monks.
The Tang Dynasty interacted with foreigners by Trading with them, especially Japan and Korea and Teaching them to become monks. The Tang Dynasty is one of the most powerful imperial dynasties in the history of China. The Tang dynasty is known for its invention of gunpowder and woodblock printing. The tang dynasty ruled for many decades in the history of ancient China and also spread their culture, belief, and ideas over Asia.