The native Americans used natural resources in every aspect in there lives. They used deerskin as clothing. Shelter was made from the material around them (leaves,saplings,animal fur, small branches. Native people of the past hunted, fished, and farmed.
The brilliance of Erwin Rommel 'The desert fox'
and the new tanks from the German Empire (Tiger I, The panther, etc.)
Or you can use the desert. Sand... It got everywhere. Equipment would fail because of that. (Anakin skywalker does not approve. And May the 4th be with you.)
1899, the United States declared the Open Door Policy. The Americans worried that other nations would soon divide China into formal colonies and shut out the American traders. They proposed that China's doors be open to merchants of all nations.
The correct answer is C. The influence of the Enlightenment on Napoleon is most clearly seen in his code which made all men equal under the laws.
The Napoleonic Code is a large-scale codification of civil law that gave a powerful impetus to the subsequent codification process in many countries of the world. It was developed and adopted at the beginning of the 19th century on the initiative of the first consul of the French Republic, Napoleon Bonaparte, and operates with changes and additions up to the present day.
The Code rejected the existing class differences and privileges and served as one of the foundations for the formation of a new bourgeois society, fixing in its norms the secularization of family relations, equality of participants in civil turnover, inviolability of private property, freedom to conclude civil law contracts and, at the same time, patriarchal views on marriage and family.