<em>Katniss has said in both The Hunger Games and Catching Fire that she does not know how she feels for him. So there is the evidence for that, and, in other times during Catching Fire, she has deeply wanted Peeta to lay with her at night. Majority, almost all of the time, it was for comfort from her nightmares. But, also, sort of near the end in Catching Fire, in the Hunger Games with the victors, Peeta had massaged a tense spot in her shoulders, and she relaxed. There is many areas in the first two books that shows she does truly love Peeta, but there are also other times that she shows she would rather be with Gale. But, I have seen much more of her loving Peeta rather then Gale. She admitted in book one not all of the love for Peeta was fake. I think that is evidence as to why I think there is more to it then her wanting to seek him out for District twelves forgiveness. </em>
Explanation: Hope this helps..
She asked if she was bad at any game and a person threw a ball at her and she didn't catch it so she asked why he threw the ball and she became aware at his trick answer.
It’s a combination of only formal
Animals usually play the antagonist in mythology. They are beasts that need to be defeated by the hero.