Co-Ordination Difficulty: ...
Waste of Resources: ...
Larger Interests of the Enterprise Neglected: ...
Emergency Decision not Possible: ...
Lack of Qualified Managers: ...
Certain Activities Decentralization not Possible:
8. according to Google, 1 byte = 8 bits
Satellites have changed the way we experience the world, by beaming back images from around the globe and letting us explore the planet through online maps and other visuals. Such tools are so familiar today we often take them for granted. ... Satellites often offer hints about life on the ground, but not omniscience.
Descriptives is the correct answer of this question.
Some software packages provide data column definitions that include qualitative summaries such as control averages, mean, average, minimum, standard deviation, number of zero values, number of empty records, etc.
- A descriptives summary is a sentence that gives someone information or something.
- Description is the style of narration creation aimed at making a location, an event, a character or a community vivid.
There are 2 types of Descriptives :-
- Narrative type.
- Argumentative type.