Badly, like all women throughout history the were dehumanized and demoralized, from birth to death...
The “Butterfly Effect” is a valid concept whereby a small change to initial conditions in complex systems can lead to huge changes later on. The thought-experiment is that a butterfly flapping its wings in one location can, over time, lead to very different weather in a far distant location, as compared to if the butterfly had not flapped its wings. This term initially arose when an early experiment in weather simulation models showed a vastly different outcome when the simulation was restarted with values whose changes were below anything that could be measured at the time in reality — thus showing that effects too small to detect can magnify.
The “Mandela Effect”, on the other hand, is a fetid pile of dingo’s kidneys that is a fancy way of noting human memory is fallible and that false memories are reinforced through repetition. The human brain has a bad case of “sunk cost” fallacy, and rather than admit to itself it has been remembering something incorrectly for decades, would rather believe in parallel universe intruding into daily life on a regular basis. (The human brain is also lazy, or if you prefer, “efficient”, so it merges similar memories together, thus freeing up some storage space for other things and improving search time. For most of our actual needs, “close enough” works; it doesn’t matter that Kirk never actually said “Beam me up, Scotty” in the original series.)
I would say D. sorry if not.
Justin Yifu Lin is a Chinese economist who is the author of the book "The Quest for Prosperity: How Developing Economies Can Take Off".
In his papers, Lin describes how the China, which many centuries ago was forced to enter a trade with Great Britain after the Opium Wars and was solely seen as a sourcing point, now faces a completely different reality in regards to commercial relations with the British.
The Chinese, whose strength relies on their massive and relatively cheap labor force, understood that the key to development was in acquiring knowledge that would let them thrive in the creation of their own industries. This process has been ongoing throughout the second half of the 20th century until nowadays, as British Enterprises set operations in Chinese Soil, employing Chinese citizens who would eventually benefit from all the knowledge they received. This process has resulted in the creation and incredible growth of global enterprises such as Hayer or Huawei.
The correct answer among all the other choices is A. the revival of democratic revolutions, and nationalism. This is a factor that caused German and Italian unification. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help.